
38th Scientific Meeting
1-2 December 2017
Thermae Palace, Koningin Astridlaan 7, 8400 Ostend

Register now


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the BSRM Board, I am very pleased to announce the two-day 38th Scientific Meeting, which will take place in Thermae Palace, Ostend on Friday and Saturday, 1-2 December 2017.

Why can you not miss this meeting?
Scientific topics which will be highlighted:-

Session of the College of Physicians Reproductive Medicine
- Can we further reduce multiple pregnancies in the Belgian setting?
- Do we really perform too much ICSI?
- Oncofertility: An update on the new Belgian Convention
SMR session
- Progesterone use to block the LH surge during ovarian stimulation
- Development of a French network to improve referrals for fertility preservation
New diagnostic tools to evaluate gamete and embryo quality
Adjunctive therapies in ART

A dinner and dancing party is scheduled to encourage networking and social contact among the different IVF centres in Belgium.

You can easily register online:

Call for abstracts: extended deadline 15 October 2017

Clinicians and scientists can present their work on any aspect of Human Reproduction.

Title, Authors and affiliation and email, Abstract (max. 400 words)
Preferred structure: Objective(s), Design and methods, Results, Conclusions
Kindly send your abstract by e-mail to the BSRM Central Office ( before the 15th of October.

The prize for the best free communication includes hotel accommodation in addition to travel and main program registration to the ESHRE Congress in Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 July 2018 and will be given to a member aged less than 35 years.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the 38th Scientific Meeting .

Christophe Blockeel
BSRM President

Isabelle Demeestere
BSRM Secretary

On behalf of the BSRM board

The details of the previous meetings can be found under Archives