General Assembly and Elections

37th Scientific Meeting - 24 March 2017
Dear BSRM member,
Dear future member of BSRM,

The 37th Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Society for Reproductive Medicine (BSRM) will be held at Hotel Husa President, Brussels, Friday 24 March 2017.

During the meeting the BSRM General Assembly will be held. Paid up members are kindly invited to attend.

Agenda of the Annual General Assembly:
- Membership report 2016
- Activity report 2016
- Financial report 2016
- Board election 2017 - 2020
- Any other business

The BSRM General Assembly will include election of the BSRM Board for the period 2017 - 2020 and is only open for paid-up members 2017. Kindly find here the membership renewal/application form for the year 2017.

Should you be motivated to have a seat in the BSRM Board, please do not hesitate to candidate by returning the application form not later than 10 March 2017.

  • Board membership is only open for paid-up members 2017.
  • The application form must be returned not later than 10 March 2017:
  • The composition of the Board needs an equal professional distribution. Among the 8 Members, there should be 4 clinicians and 4 biologists or paramedicals.
  • Among these profession groups the language distribution should be equal resulting in 2 Dutch-speaking and 2 French-speaking members per professional category.
  • All 8 positions in the Board are open for election.
  • The functions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 other Board Member mandates will be decided among the 8 elected board members during the first Board Meeting after the General Assembly (date to be agreed among the chosen members).
  • Each candidate should present themselve and explain their motivation in 1 minute during the GA.

Proxy vote, in case a colleague cannot attend the meeting, will be possible. Please send the request for proxy vote in advance to the Central Office ( In that case you will receive two voting cards on site. Only one proxy vote per attending and paid-up member will be accepted.

Looking forward to welcoming you at the 37th BSRM Meeting!

Kind regards,

Anne Delbaere
President of BSRM
On behalf of the BSRM Board


The details of the previous meetings can be found under Archives