Membership 2017

There are two different membership categories

Clinician - reproductive biologist : 70 Euro (incl. 21% VAT)
Paramedical - resident in training : 35 Euro (incl. 21% VAT)

Join the BSRM
Online membership form
Membership form (Doc) - Download this form on your computer first

Membership to the Society is open for all individuals active in the field of reproductive medicine and science including medical doctors, reproductive biologists, scientists, students and support personnel (such as nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians, counsellors, psychologists, social workers etc.).

Number of members in 2016 : 333

Bank transfer details

- Account number: 310-1263178-33
- Account name : BSRM
- Reference : Membership 2017 + Name
- Iban number: BE79 3101 2631 7833
- Bank details: ING, Marktplein 26, 1740 Ternat, Belgium