Honorary members


Honorary member BSRM, 19 November 2016, Micx, Mons
Yvon Englert, Belgium
Recteur de l'Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Service de gynécologie-obstétrique de l'hôpital Erasme

Honorary member BSRM, 13 November 2015, Aula Complex, Gent
Ingeborg Liebaers, Belgium
Prof. em. VUB and UZ Brussel, Medische genetica

Honorary member BSRM, 14 November 2014, Palais des Congrès, Liège
Jean-Michel Foidart, Belgium
Co-founder and Chief Officer of Uteron Pharma SA. Actavis
Director of LBTD and GIGA Cancer at ULg
Estetrol: human fetal estrogen: Less subjective side effects, less interference with liver function, improved cardiovascular safety, less gall blader disease. Contraception of the future?
Obstetrical teaching at Holy Family Hospital, Bethléem

Honorary member BSRM, 15 November 2013, Schouwburg, Genk
Marc Dhont, UZ Gent, Belgium
Chairman of the ''vakgroep urogynaecologie'' of the Ghent University from 1991 - 2008
Chairman of the Board for Certification of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists from 2006 –2013
Topics of research: Reproductive endocrinology, Menopause, Contraception, Infertility

Honorary member BSRM, 30 November 2012, Cultural Centre, Spa
Paul Devroey, UZ Brussel, Belgium
Professor Devroey’s main research interests include preimplantation genetics aneuploidy screening, ovarian stimulation techniques, treatment of male factor infertility, and the improvement of the infertility diagnosis and management, as well as the patients’ experience of treatments. He has pioneered the use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

Honorary member BSRM, 25 November 2011, Lindner Hotel, Antwerpen
Peter van Dop, Catharina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven, Nederland

Honorary member BSRM, 19 November 2010, Crowne Plaza, Brugge
René Frydman, Hôpital Antoine Beclere, Paris, France
Professor René Frydman his work in infertility led to the first baby born in France as a result of in vitro fertilization in 1982, after embryo freezing in 1986, after PGD in 2000, after oocyte cryoperservation 2010.

Honorary member BSRM, 13 November 2009, Hotel Royal Astrid, Oostende
André Van Steirteghem, UZ Brussel, Belgium
Professor André Van Steirteghem achieved world fame for the development of his ICSI technique (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) in 1992 when a sperm cell was injected into an egg cell. Over the years this technique has become the worldwide 'standard' for infertile men. He can rightly be called a pioneer of reproductive medicine.
Curriculum Vitae

Honorary member BSRM, 3 October 2008, Musée de la Medicine, Elewijt

Egbert E. Te Velde, UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands

His main scientific interest is female reproductive ageing and prognostic models predcting the probability of spontaneous pregnancy and of pregnancy after ART.
Curriculum Vitae


Honorary member BSRM, 26 October 2007, Bouchout Castle, Meise
Alan Trounson, Monash University, Australia
Professor Trounson made headlines in 1980 with the first IVF birth in Australia. Professor Trounson has devoted many years to stem cell research. In 2000, he led the team which discovered that nerve stem cells could be derived from embryonic stem cells. This announcement led to a dramatic increase in interest in the potential of stem cells to cure a range of currently incurable diseases.

Honorary member BSRM, 13 October 2006, De Montil, Essene
Ian Cooke, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Durint his time in Sheffield, he developed his interests in combining laboratory reproductive endocrine research with clinical gynaecology. This led to his becoming the first sub-specialist in Reproductive Medicine in the country. Withing that discipline he was most interested in infertility, both male and female and his department published extensively on ovulation, tubal surgery and andrology. Curriculum Vitae

Honorary member BSRM, 7 October 2005, De Montil, Essene
Michel Thiery, UGent, Belgium

Honorary member BSRM, 1 October 2004, UZ Brussels, Jette

Frédéric Rodesch, Hopitâl Erasme, ULB, Belgium

Honorary member BSRM, 3 October 2003, Hopitâl Erasme, Anderlecht
Robert Schoysman, Schoysman Infertility Management Foundation, Vilvoorde, Belgium
Main topic of interest : male infertility

Honorary member BSRM, 4 October 2002, Nazareth
Robert Derom, UGent, Belgium
Main topic of interest : twins

Honorary member BSRM, 13 October 2001, UMC Sint Pieter - CHU Saint Pierre
René Lambotte, Université de Liège, Belgium

Honorary member BSRM, 13 October 2000, Museum of Medicine, Anderlecht
Alex Vermeulen, Ugent, Belgium

Honorary member BSRM, 8 October 1999, Château de Colonster, Liège
Fernand Leroy, Hôpital Universitaire Saint Pierre, Belgium